February 5, 2019

Second Annual K1 Speed Distributor Challenge

On January 22, Salex hosted its Annual K1 Speed Distributor Challenge in Toronto. The event gave an opportunity for nine firms to socialize, have fun and become speed racers, even if only for one night!

The nine firms that took part in the K1 Speed Distributor Challenge were City Electric SupplyO’Neil ElectricVaughan Electrical Supply, Robertson ElectricIndependent Electricity City OperatorNedcoGuillevinWescoGerrie Electric.

Determined by average team lap times, Robertson Electric came in third with a score of 25.12s, while Vaughan Electric took second place with an average lap time of 24.896s. Though the race was a close one, the eventual winner of the night was City Electric Supply with an average lap time of 24.895s!
The fastest individual lap time of the Speed Challenge went to Mark Bonitatibus. His lap time was 23.95s!

The fastest racers of the night were our very own Nick Puopolo from Salex who took third place, and Mike Bonitatibus from Vaughan Electric who took the first two spots in the night’s top ten shutout race.

Congratulations to all winners and huge thanks to everyone who came out to support their peers! Our deepest appreciation also goes to BeghelliWattstopper and Visioneering who made it possible for all nine teams to have such a wonderful night!

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