Qualification Evaluation Council of Ontario and Ontario Teachers Federation

Project Details

Lighting Design: T+Studio Manufacturers: Artemide, Axis Lighting, Elite Lighting, Lumenwerx, Viscor Inc.

We know that a quality educational environment can have a big impact on end users. That’s why, when creating a space for education-oriented companies QECO and OTF, achieving good natural lighting was balanced with creative and effective lighting design to achieve a holistic and considered approach within their new space.

For their new office space, located in Toronto’s Summerhill neighborhood, the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO), a non-profit organization that evaluates teacher qualifications for salary purposes and Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF), a professional organization representing teachers in Ontario, turned to T+Studio and Salex Inc. to provide expert illumination that would enhance both employee and visitor’s experiences.

Together, the companies worked to create a lighting solution of the highest standard for the new space, with fixtures of varying forms and functionality used to delineate between office areas. Selected for its high degree of design freedom, Axis Stencil was prominently featured in conference rooms, and to provide even lighting across the length of QECO and OTF’s open office space. For further illumination, open offices areas were illuminated with Axis’ Beam, and punctuated with Lumenwerx’s Pop and Global ZERO B.LUX to create a sophisticated look. Within closed office spaces, Viscor LCOM and Elite downlights were used for bright, but diffused lighting.

Lighting design also helped to alleviate a key concern of all work environments: the elimination of distractions. To demarcate open offices from the communal kitchen area, Artemide Eggboard, a suspension board with low-voltage LEDs and sound-absorbing properties, covered the communal kitchen area, allowing for both concentrated light and a focused atmosphere.

Adapted to the purpose as well as the specific needs of QECO and OTF, the final illuminated space reflects a professional, considerate lighting design and an environment enhanced for optimal wellbeing and experience.